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  • Dan Duguay

Variety Show Success

Different sides of the band

People ask me if I ever get tired of being a one-man band. My usual answer is "If I get tired, I do something different, I change it up, I learn new songs, I write new songs, I create new comedy bits". Variety is important to me in my life. Since I don't have to answer to anyone (except my wife), I can change things up as I go along. One week I'm at a Fair doing my Johnny Cash show (The Dan in Black), the next week I'm performing songs I've written, in a school gymnasium. Come Christmas Time, I'll be dressed up like an Elf singing "Jingle Bells" as Danny the One Elf Band. I can add instruments, props, songs, volunteer bits or whatever I want. This keeps it interesting.

"I love learning new songs, I love writing new songs, I'm always open to new ideas and new collaborations".

At the start of 2017, as a result of being open to new ideas, I began producing and hosting a monthly variety show. I didn't have much experience as a producer but I was up to the task. In my opinion, that's really the only way to do things. Jump into it, whether you know what you're doing or not. It's been my philosophy with marriage, parenthood, music, performing, writing and producing. You learn as you go. Hands on experience. Trial and error.

With a variety show, I have a few things going for me. I certainly have many connections to musicians and variety performers in Alberta. With that, I'm happy to have the opportunity to connect with old friends and colleagues and give them an opportunity to showcase their talents. Producing a show every month has been a learning process. I've had great support from many people. Particularly from my family and of course my friends at Revv52.

I'm excited to have started our second season of The WhoKnows Variety Show at the Ironwood Stage & Grill I'm happy to report, things are going well. The word is getting out there about this little variety show that could. Quite a few people have come up to me and said, "I had no idea this kind of talent existed in Calgary, I'll be back!" I love to hear that. We learn and we grow and we keep it fun. I'm all about variety, and this show is a perfect fit for what I'm doing right now.

We've had many guests on the show. These were our guests at the inaugural show last January 2017. We appreciate their help in getting the show off to a great start!

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