In 1975, Johnny Cash recorded an album entitled "The Johnny Cash Children's Album".
The first song on the LP was "Nasty Dan".
I like that...although I ain't nasty...
I've been performing a spoof errr... tribute to Johnny Cash for many years as "The Dan in Black".

The band has also been performing at Children's Festivals and in schools for many MANY years.
Out of these experiences, mixed with a project I've been working on about nutrition and lifestyle (Called 'tudes & Foods'), I wrote a song...
I wrote a song I imagine Johnny could have put on his follow up children's album, if he had decided to make one...which he didn't.
I wrote the song, recorded it, and produced the video.
The inspiration behind the song/video and the project as a whole, is to create a dialogue between guardians and their dependants, regarding food choices as well as lifestyle choices.
To kick off the release of the recording, We give you Picky Pete...
I say "We", because I had some great help with it...
Primarily, talent oozer, Jory Rusnak who filmed, directed and edited the video.
I also received superb help from some lovely and talented people from the music group Revv52, ( and their offspring). Claire, Betti, Kendra, Mallorie, Peita, &... introducing Peita's son Connor!
Jonathan Love of the HeeBee-jeeBees, as well as many other credits, was masterful as an older Picky Pete.
I am also grateful to Casey, who recorded the song.
It was a pleasure to make this video. It makes me smile.
I hope people watch it and smile. I hope to share my ideas about food. I hope to play the song, along with others, at a school or fair or community or children's festival near you!